onsdag den 7. januar 2009

Playliste 4/1 2009

Vært: Martin.

1. Snowman - Our Mother (She Remembers)
2. Thee Oh Sees - Quadrospazzed
3. Snake Flower 2 - Set You Straight
4. Add N to X - Root Thurston Moore Tr. 10
5. Voxpop - Hul i væggen
6. Indian Jewelry - Seventh Heaven
7. Vinyl-Terror & -Horror - Late Night Show
8. Aphex Systems - Trouble at Madame Dongs
9. Small Cruel Party - For the Coil of Copper under Wood
10. Nihilist Spasm Band - Oh America
11. Psychic Ills - Highway of Death
12. Athletic Automation - Olympic Pawns
13. Zebra Mu - Mammel Juice
14. Oldsmobility - Gotta get a Car
15. Vampire Can't - Self-Titled Debutante
16. No-Neck Blues Band - Salai Widnalas
17. Kemialliset Ystävät - Superhimmeli

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